Saturday, October 06, 2012

How Do You Know The GOP Hates The Latest Jobs Report? (with update)

Because they are claiming that the new jobs numbers are part of some vast left-wing conspiracy:
Jack Welch defended his assertion that the Bureau of Labor Statistics was engaged in a vast conspiracy to inflate jobs numbers before the election, during an appearance on MSNBC Friday. However, he admitted he had only a hunch to support his claim.

“I have no evidence of corruption, none whatsoever” he told a combative Chris Matthews on Hardball.  Nonetheless: “Jack Welch is raising the question,” Welch said.
Jack Welsh is referring to himself in the third person?  Reminds me of a Seinfeld episode ( "Jimmy might have a compound fracture ... Jimmy's going into shock!!").  Check out this hilarious take by the AP on this newest right-wing conspiracy theory ("Sasquatch might as well have traipsed across the White House lawn Friday with a lost Warren Commission file on his way to the studio where NASA staged the moon landing").

I love it how the right wing hates it when the economy shows strong signs of improvement.  Sure, the good jobs report slows down the momentum Romney received from his debate performance, but the Republican response to it is pathetic and un-American (as is the right wing's oft-expressed frustration over Obama taking out bin Laden).

And speaking of momentum killers, it was clearly a mistake by the Romney Campaign -- immediately after Mitt's strong debate performance -- to correct their own candidate on his comment regarding pre-existing conditions. As I stated last Wednesday evening after the debate, "Romney has finally gained some momentum with this performance" so "[w]hy ruin the moment by fact-checking your own candidate?"

Well, this reporting from TPM points out exactly why you shouldn't fact check your own candidate after a good, potentially campaign-changing debate performance:
President Obama said at a campaign event in Virginia [on Friday] that Mitt Romney's claim that his health plan would cover people with pre-existing conditions was "fact-checked by his own campaign. That is rough."

The Romney campaign clarified the former governor's claim after the debate this week, saying states will have to pass their own versions of Romney's health care plan to cover people with pre-existing conditions.
Look, I don't know for certain if the Romney Campaign's plan was to have their candidate abandon his "severely conservative" approach at the debate and suddenly become a moderate during those ninety minutes. (What's Romney going to do for an encore in the next debate, embrace communism?)  I suspect that the sudden shift to the left was the plan, and as I noted last Wednesday, it was "an interesting, potentially game-changing strategy."  So why piss all over the good results by fact-checking your own guy after he successfully implements this strategy? 

Sure, Obama would still have the argument that Romney flip-flopped on pre-existing conditions coverage, but it would only be Obama and his people saying that.  Now you have Obama saying it and Romney's own people backing up Obama's assertion, which provides the President with the excellent -- and very effective -- stump speech one-liner quoted above.  It's just bad politics on the part of the Romney Campaign.

UPDATE: Here is Bill Maher's take on last Wednesday's debate:
"[Obama] sucked.  He looked tired.  He had trouble getting his answers out.  It looks like he took my million and spent it all on weed.  I have not seen a Black man look that disinterested and annoyed since I dragged Chris Rock to that Beach Boys concert.  At one point Obama looked so dead Romney tried to baptize him.

Oh, I kid Mitt Romney.  Hey, it's Morman in America again.  It is for the Romney campaign.  I have not seen Mitt Romney this energized since HBO cancelled Big Love.  He is fired up.  You've got to hand it to Mitt Romney -- he was in full command of his bullshit.  Right? You've got to give it up to this man.  In one single night he was reborn as this taxing-the-rich, regulation-loving centrist.

I tell you, when these people say they're going to reboot this campaign, they don't just reboot -- they erase the hard drive, take it out, and smash it with a hammer.  Mitt Romney is a such a different guy, Anne Romney said she no longer has to pretend that she's making love to someone else.

And, I have to tell you it worked. He shook the etch-a-sketch, reversed himself on everything, and now in the latest poll, twice as many people think that Romney cares about them.  They totally took him back. Today, Chris Brown said:  'That motherfucker is good.'"

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